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GeoMessage a line or polygon

Lines and polygons are the most commonly used map graphics. They are used to denote boundaries or roads, call attention to important areas, or otherwise enhance map features. As geomessages, they use the same tools and have most of the same capabilities.

Draw a line or polygon

Lines and polygons must be drawn manually on the map before they can be customized. To draw on the map, complete the following steps:

  1. Locate where you want to add a line or polygon.
    Zoom in for higher precision.
  2. Tap Draw.
  3. Manually draw your line or polygon by touching and dragging.

When the drawing is complete, a banner appears at the bottom of the screen containing more options for the drawing. A check mark also appears, which allows the drawing to be saved to the mission map. The options for customizing drawings are:

  • Color
  • Title
  • Redraw
  • Fill
  • Smart Draw
  • Notes
  • Send to

Change the color of a line or polygon

The default color for a drawing is orange, but this can be changed. To change the color, complete the following steps:

  1. Draw a line or polygon.
  2. Tap the Color button.
  3. Tap your desired color.

You can continue to customize your drawing or you can tap the check mark to add it to the map.

Change the title of a line or polygon

The default title is New Drawing, but drawings can be retitled. It is recommended that you retitle all drawings to provide more information to mission members and provide a reference to them. To retitle your drawing, complete the following steps:

  1. Draw a line or polygon.
  2. Tap the Title field.
  3. Type the new title.

You can continue to customize your drawing or you can tap the check mark to add it to the map.

Delete and redraw a line or polygon

You can delete your original drawing and redraw it without closing the draw tools. To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Draw a line or polygon.
  2. Tap the trash icon.
  3. Draw your line or polygon again.
  4. Repeat until the drawing is satisfactory.

You can continue to customize your drawing or you can tap the check mark to add it to the map.

Fill a polygon

The Fill option is only available for polygons. The default color is orange, but this can be changed. However, the color of the fill must be the same as the line. For fill to be an option for the polygon, the endpoints of the outer line must be close to each other, regardless of what shape has been drawn. To fill a polygon, complete the following steps:

  1. Draw a polygon.
    If Fill is an option for this polygon, it appears to the immediate right of the trash icon.
  2. Tap Fill.
    To remove fill from a polygon, tap Fill on an existing filled polygon. This must be done prior to finalizing the polygon.
  3. Choose a color.

You can continue to customize your drawing or you can tap the check mark to add it to the map.

Smart drawing

For some drawings, a Smart Drawing tool is available. This tool allows drawings to be more regular than manual drawing allows. If available, it always appears next to the color option, after the drawing has been made.

  • For lines, if the line is relatively straight, the tool appears. Tapping the tool draws a straight line between the endpoints of the previous line.
  • For polygons, only circles, squares, and rectangles are supported. However, if these drawings are relatively regular, the tool appears. Tap it to draw the shape with approximately the same centerpoint, edges, and/or corners.

To use the Smart Drawing tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Draw a polygon.
    If the option is available, the tool becomes visible.
  2. Tap Smart Draw.
    To undo Smart Draw, tap the tool again and your drawing returns to its original shape.

You can continue to customize your drawing or you can tap the check mark to add it to the map.

Notes for a line or polygon

Notes, such as a summary, description, or incident report, can be written as part of a drawing. To include notes, complete the following steps:

  1. Draw a line or polygon.
  2. Tap Notes.
  3. Fill in the Notes field.
  4. Tap Done.

You can continue to customize your drawing or you can tap the check mark to add it to the map.

Send a drawing

A drawing can be placed directly on the map, visible for all mission members, or it can be sent to specific mission members or teams. To send a drawing, complete the following steps:

  1. Draw a line or polygon.
  2. Tap the Overflow button.
  3. Tap Send to.
  4. Select the intended recipients.
    Multiple mission members or teams can be selected. The search bar at the top can be used to find or filter the lists of teams and members.
  5. Tap Select.

You can continue to customize your drawing or you can tap the check mark to add it to the map.