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It is recommended that you read What is the GeoMessage tool if you have not already done so.

There are three types of geomessage:

  • Point of interest — A map pin used to indicate a single point on a map
  • Line — A map graphic often used to indicate boundaries, roads, or other linear features
  • Polygon — A map graphic used to denote contiguous areas of various types

Geomessages are drawn on the mission map. They have a variety of functional options, including the following:

  • Title — The creation of a specific name for a geomessage
  • Notes — Text attached to a message as a description or report
  • Send to — Messages can be sent to the entire mission or to specific mission members.

All geomessages are geolocated, meaning that they have location metadata (a series of coordinates) attached to the graphic, and can be referenced later using this data. Point of interest (POI) geomessages can have other data attached, such as photos and files. Lines or polygons can function as map graphics.